ALL SHALL BE WELL (and all shall be well and all manner of things shall be well)

RB10: That one video with 5.5 million views

April 8, 2021

ROODBLAUW 10 yearsIf we’re going to look back at 10 years of ROODBLAUW, we can’t really do that without mentioning the video that brought one of our songs to the ears of so many people. The video we’re talking about has now raked up 5.5 million views already, so it’s akin to the whole city of Bangkok listening to our music. Obviously, the music wasn’t the point of the video and certainly not what made it go viral, but we were happy to surf along.

We are, of course, talking about ‘Natural Beauty’, made by Lernert & Sander, published by Nowness:

I still remember this video going all over the place, from Time Magazine to Oprah Winfrey. This is the video that brought many of you to us and we’re still super grateful for it.

Getting more of our music in films is still an ambition for us, both from an artistic as well as a publicity standpoint. It’s not something we have actively pursued since this video though, since we can only do so much as a DIY band. But maybe we will carve out some time and energy for this in the future.

Don’t forget: to celebrate the anniversary of ROODBLAUW, we have a special t-shirt ready for pre-order now.