OneLet Me Steer, As I Am the Bigger Captain
TwoI Will Guide You over Oceans and Across Troubled Lands
ThreeWe Are All, In All Places, Strangers and Pilgrims, Travelers and Sojourners
FourBeyond Us, Only Darkness
FiveNothing to Go Home To, Nothing There to Come Home For, No Home to Return To
SixOne Day I Will Find the Right Words and They Will Be Simple
SevenFor Now, We Travel
ZWARTGROEN is our third full length album after releasing ROODBLAUW in 2011 and BLAUWGEEL in 2014 and releasing our EP GEELZWART in 2016.
Released February 20, 2020
ALL music by All Shall Be Well (and all shall be well and all manner of things shall be well). Artwork by Bas. Many thanks to Tom Huissen, Henk Suurling, Jochem de Jong, Mart, Darius, Antje, Blazenka, Marta, Meldody and of course you (for your support). For Juno, Kess, Leah, Lukas, Omar and Niev.