Live in Chengdu, China
We found this video on what is, we suppose, a Chinese version of Youtube. It’s a recording of our show in Chengdu, China, in December last year. Although the sound quality isn’t great, I wanted to share it for two reasons.
The first reason is kind of obvious, so I’ll keep that one short (also because we’ve chronicled our adventures in China extensively in our blog): the experience of touring China for two weeks was a personal highlight for all of us. This was the first concert of the bunch, so beforehand we really had no idea what to expect and I remember being a little bit overwhelmed on stage at times during the show.
Now, on to the second reason. The song you hear us playing is ‘Mothers, Tell Your Daughters Our Music Is All Awful Noise and We’re Just a Bunch of No-Goods”. It’s the first track of our first record and it’s one of those songs that I feel never really caught on. It’s definitely not a fan favourite and not a song that ever gets requested. But it has always been one of my personal favourites. It has a, for a lack of better words, complex simplicity to it that I really enjoy. We wrote this song in, I think, 2009 and it just makes me kind of happy that we’re still playing it 8 years later.
I don’t usually enjoy listening to our own music (rest assured there are some videos on Youtube that make me cringe), but this one just gives me good vibes all around and it’s why I want to share it with you today.
Thanks for listening.
– Bas